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It is easy to get overwhelmed about politics, climate change, pollution… News leave us feeling helpless about our global situation, feeding the victim in us.

However, I believe it is key to keep envisioning and believing in a beautiful and healthy Earth. A planet where we consume less, eat more locally grown food, respect Nature and its resource, share resources equitably, use alternatives to disposable plastics, protect ecosystems, love each other...

Can we take responsibility for our reality? Every little step matters and creates ripples. ⚛️

Here is a list of cool projects, magazines, articles, etc. I stumbled upon that give me hope for our future. There are so many people in the world right now who are doing great things.

Let's all create a better world together. ✨

My favourite magazine

No adds. Articles about nature, adventure, scientific projects, First Nations... I highly recommend subscribing to their paper version.

Art & Human connection

I discovered James Turrell’s work with light at this exhibition and fell in love.

One of my favourite artists and music video. Very soothing ✨

Alternatives to plastics




Market Gardening Meets Permaculture | La Ferme Des Quatre-Temps (FQT Farm)

It’s time for a tour of FQT Farm, La Ferme Des Quatre-Temps! C'est le moment de visiter la Ferme Des Quatre-Temps! https://www.fermequatretemps.com/ Please help us out by SUBSCRIBING to the channel and LIKING this video! Your support is what allows us to keep making these episodes. Pensez à cliquer le bouton S’ABONNER et donner un J’AIME à cette vidéo! ---------- Follow THE MARKET GARDENER INSTITUTE | Suivez LE INSTITUT JARDINIER-MARAÎCHER Website: https://www.themarketgardener.com/ Site Web: https://lejardiniermaraicher.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themarketgardener.org/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themarketgardeners/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jm_fortier Learn from JM at the MARKET GARDENER MASTERCLASS Apprenez de JM à LA MASTERCLASS DU JARDINIER-MARAÎCHER https://www.themarketgardener.com/course https://lejardiniermaraicher.com/cours ----------- Follow \ Suivez GROWERS & CO Website \ Site Web: https://growers.co/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/growersandco Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growersandco/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUe0wGGya026hLTQvx6t4aQ/featured SHOP our Farmwear and Tools | BOUTIQUE de nos Vêtements et nos Outils: https://growers.co/ Get the one and only Growers & Co MAGAZINE that celebrates small-scale growers who are changing the world! | Achetez le seul et l’unique Magazine Growers & Co, qui célèbre le mouvement de l’agriculture biologique à petite échelle qui changent le monde! https://growers.co/pages/magazine ------------ Follow | Suivez JEAN-MARTIN Website \ Site Web: https://www.jeanmartinfortier.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeanmartinfortier Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeanmartinfortier/ ------------ #THEMARKETGARDENER #GROWERSANDCO #JEANMARTINFORTIER #LEJARDINIERMARAÎCHER

Market Gardening Meets Permaculture | La Ferme Des Quatre-Temps (FQT Farm)
